Working namespaces in a default FuelPHP installation I add the following to the welcome controller (otherwise unedited) and I start getting the error:
ErrorException [ Compile Error ]: Cannot redeclare class Fuel\Controller\Welcome"
The code I is:
namespace Fuel\Controller;
use Fuel\Core\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller
This is probably a beginner's question but I just can't figure out why the collision is occurring and I have tried everything I can think of.
EDIT: I even tried putting the following code in front of the class and the error disappeared but a very generic looking 404 page was displayed. (Not the one that is displayed by default with FuelPHP but a black/grey one)
if (class_exists("Controller\Welcome",false)) {
// echo "here. (" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ")\n";
} else {
//Class definition...
The answer turned out to be that you have to change the controller prefix in the config file to the following:
'controller_prefix' => 'Controller\\',
Which is actually written in the documentation. (silly me)