
Display data in refinery through an API call

I am using Refinery CMS version 2. I want to display the data through an Api call from another project. I want to know how much refinery support this and how. Also i want to use different menu for different pages then how should i do that? I ve used the refinerycms-menu gem but those menus are displayed in all the pages. How to restrict particular menu for particular page?


  • For display another menu in some other i just did this in my `layout/application.html.erb

    <% if request.fullpath == "/PATH" -%>
        <%= render "/refinery/NAME_OF_ANOTHER_MENU" -%>
    <% else %>
    <%= render "/refinery/header" -%>
    <% end %>

    I created another menu by using `gem refinerycms-menus'.

    For api call i am still searching.

    Thanks :-)