
How to copy an ActiveX control over to another sheet preventing the name change of the control

I am using the code below to copy a command button from one sheet and paste it into another:


When I paste it, it get's renamed from HasACustomName to CommandButton1.

Can I either copy/paste it in a way that retains the name or change the name after pasting?


  • ActiveX

    You can copy an ActiveX Control from one sheet to another with the below code.

    Note: you cannot have two objects of the same name on one spreadsheet.

    Sub CopyActiveX()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim x As OLEObject, y As OLEObject
        Set x = Sheets("SRC").OLEObjects("HasCustomName")
        Set y = x.Duplicate
        Dim xName As String
        xName = x.Name
        With Sheets("TRGT")
            .OLEObjects(.OLEObjects.Count).Name = xName
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    Form Control

    To copy a button from one sheet to another preventing the automatic name change use the below code. Excel by default gives a new name to a copied button (even on a different sheet) so you have to rename it to match the name of the button youre copying.

    Use CopyButton() sub to achieve it. There are 4 required parameters

    Sub CopyPasteButton()
        CopyButton "SRC", "Button 1", "TRGT", "B10"
    End Sub
    Private Sub CopyButton(from As String, btnName As String, toWorksheet As String, rng As String)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Selection.ShapeRange.Name = btnName
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub