
Can multiple meteor application server instances work behind Hipache reverse proxy?

I want to load balance my Meteor application using Hipache reverse proxy. Single application server instance works well, but when I add the second one, I get the following error in browser:

WebSocket connection to 'ws://test.local:8000/sockjs/709/gs_aliii/websocket' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.

Here is the shell script for starting app docker containers and configuring hipache:

The full setup is here:

I found the following in hipache issues on github, maybe that is the problem:

On the other hand, dotcloud (the creators of hipache) boasts that they support Meteor load balancing. And they use hipache as their incoming request router. That's weird.


  • OK, I found the root cause of the problem by myself, here it is:

    Something is broken with websocket support in hipache with node.js >= 0.10.0. I downgraded node.js in hipache and meteor containers to 0.8.25 and everything is working well now!