
Update XML using XMLStreamWriter

I have a large XML and I want to update a particular node of the XML (like removing duplicate nodes).

As the XML is huge I considered using the STAX api class - XMLStreamReader. I first read the XML using XMLStreamReader. I stored the read data in user objects and manipulated these user objects to remove duplicates.

Now I want to put this updated user object back into my original XML. What I thought is that I can marshall the user object to a string and place the string at the right position in my input xml. But I am not able to achieve it using the STAX class - XMLStreamWriter

Can this be achieved using XMLStreamWriter? Please suggest. If no, they please suggest an alternative approach to my problem.

My main concern is memory as I cannot load such huge XMLs into our project server's memory which is shared across multiple processes. Hence I do not want use DOM because this will use lot of memory to load these huge XML.


  • If you need to alter a particular value like text content /tag name etc. STAX might help. It would also help in removing few elements using createFilteredReader

    Below code renames Name to AuthorName and adds a comment

    public class StAx {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException,
                XMLStreamException {
            String filename = "HelloWorld.xml";
            try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename);
                    OutputStream out = System.out;) {
                XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
                XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
                XMLEventFactory ef = XMLEventFactory.newInstance();
                XMLEventReader reader = factory.createXMLEventReader(filename, in);
                XMLEventWriter writer = xof.createXMLEventWriter(out);
                while (reader.hasNext()) {
                    XMLEvent event = (XMLEvent);
                    if (event.isCharacters()) {
                        String data = event.asCharacters().getData();
                        if (data.contains("Hello")) {
                            String replace = data.replace("Hello", "Oh");
                            event = ef.createCharacters(replace);
                    } else if (event.isStartElement()) {
                        StartElement s = event.asStartElement();
                        String tagName = s.getName().getLocalPart();
                        if (tagName.equals("Name")) {
                            String newName = "Author" + tagName;
                            event = ef.createStartElement(new QName(newName), null,
                            writer.add(ef.createCharacters("\n          "));
                            event = ef.createComment("auto generated comment");
                        } else {
                    } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {


    <?xml version="1.0"?>


    <?xml version="1.0"?><BookCatalogue>
                <!--auto generated comment-->
                <!--auto generated comment-->

    As you can see things gets really complicated when modification is much more than this like swapping two nodes deleting one node based on state of few other node : delete All Books with price more than average price

    Best solution in this case is to produce resulting xml using xslt transformation