
Freebase / DBpedia / -- differences

I'm looking to enhance several "objects" in my application with human-readable data. To that end, I've seen Freebase, DBpedia and, and am currently working with Freebase. I can't help but wonder, though, what I am missing.

So: what's the difference? Specifically, what is the coverage difference, and what is the difference in terms of data provided for the most commonly-viewed Wikipedia articles types (such as "Person", "Place", "Artist", "Album", etc.).


  • This is all just my personal opinion, but ...

    Wikidata is new, so it's coverage is going to be much less than the others in the immediate term, but it's got a good shot at being the go-to source in the future.

    Freebase includes MusicBrainz data which is not in Wikipedia, so it will have much better coverage of albums, tracks, and to a certain degree artists. The other domains where Freebase is notably stronger in coverage is Film and Books/Authors, although the quality of the latter can be spotty.

    DBpedia is more aggressive about including stuff, so for people, etc which have Wikipedia pages it's somewhat more likely to have them typed as Person, etc, whereas they could be untyped (ie only typed /common/topic) in Freebase. The flip side of this is that the people who fall into this category are those who are less likely to be viewed.