
Print CSS with pdf included in page

I have a page where I have a lot of info about an item, with a little "Download specs pdf" button below. Clicking it opens the pdf seperately, which is all I need for the webversion.

However I'm currently working on my print css, and my goal is to create a print css here that shows the info along with the pdf below it, included in the same printfile.

Is it possible to embed the pdf in my page (only for print css)? I've tried using the <object> or embed tags but this doesn't seem to show up at all in my print css.

Update: I managed to show the pdf using iframe, but I'm unable to set the iframe height to the pdf's height. The pdf is dynamic so it's not a set height. Dynamically updating the height through jQuery has proven to be impossible because the onload event isn't fired for file downloads in an iframe. If anyone can help me come to a solution, I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.


  • The simple solution is to force a 4:3 perspective on the iframe and size it according to your print page (A4 paper size is standard here).