I have a GUI program written in python and packaged with py2exe
. I now want to use Esky
to allow automatic updating.
However when I'm runningpython setup.py bdist_esky
, I get the following error:
RuntimeError: don't call setup(windows=[...]) with esky; use setup(scripts=[...]) instead
When changing to scripts
, I get the following error:
TypeError: Must specify name if script is not a file
I cant manage to get rid of it. Any help?
(setup.py: http://pastebin.com/B3yGJERq)
Scripts is supposed to be a list of esky.bdist_esky.Exectuable
Here is code example: http://mastr-ms.googlecode.com/hg-history/39af8165be80344a30603e0ff74acdded72193b0/madas/mdatasync_client/client/setup.py