I am trying to disable the error bells on vim, both visual and audio. However I cannot get them to stay off.
I have the following in my vimrc
" Disable annoying beeping
set noerrorbells
set vb t_vb=
That doesn't work, I figured some plugin or another setting was resetting it so I added it again to the end of my vimrc
, still no luck.
The only way I can get it to turn off is if I manually call set vb t_vb=
after everything has loaded. I guess I could emulate this by adding a script to the plugin/after
folder but I am trying to avoid that as it means it's another thing I have to set up whenever I switch to another machine.
You can see my full vimrc
here: https://github.com/lerp/dotfiles/blob/master/vimrc
Assuming you have that problem in GVim, adding the following line
autocmd GUIEnter * set vb t_vb=
in your if has("gui_running")
conditional block should help.
From :help 'visualbell'
Note: When the GUI starts, 't_vb' is reset to its default value.
You might want to set it again in your gvimrc.