
Xamarin Studio. Monotouch. Could not load NIB in bundle ... with name

When I test the app on the simulator, I get the following:

Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle <...> (loaded)' with name '...Controller'

But when I use the actual device everything is fine.

Any ideas?


    1. Deleted all the controls in the xib, made my UI fully generated in code. Did not help.
    2. Deleted both .cs and .xib files, created a new iphone controller, pasted the code. Still did not help in spite of the new empty xib!
    3. Renamed my controller class name. Reinstalled the app in simulator. Resolved! PS. I tried reinstalling the app before step 1. And that did not help. So I do not know what exactly resolved the problem.