How do I reattach to a detached mosh session or otherwise get rid of
Mosh: You have a detached Mosh session on this server (mosh [XXXX]).
i.e. what's the mosh equivalent of
screen -D -R
or possibly
screen -wipe
Furthermore, where can this answer be found in documentation?
For security reasons, you can not reattach, see
To kill the detached session, use the PID number displayed in that message (that's the 'XXXX' part.) For example, if you see --
Mosh: You have a detached Mosh session on this server (mosh [12345]).
And can run this command:
kill 12345
Also, to close all mosh connections you can:
kill `pidof mosh-server`
Note that if you are currently connected via mosh, this last command will also disconnect you.