Is it a good practice storing related information in the HTML
$("#my_div").append("<span id='info' boo='foo'/>");
I've encountered with such technique (and slightly borrowed it) in TAL
(in ZPT
) where you could use tal:attributes
statement to modify HTML
tags (e.g. passing the value of boo
variable from backend to be rendered in the final document as attribute value):
<span id='info' tal:attributes='boo view/boo'>
<span id='info' boo='foo'>
Will this technique break a document someday, or it is safe by the spec?
The right way to do it is to use data-* attributes:
Tangentially, jQuery has a special method for working with these as well. For example:
<p id='string' data-user_name='thedude'></p>
$('#string').data('user_name') => "thedude"
typeof $('#string').data('name') => "string"
<p id='number' data-user_id='12345'</p>
typeof $('#number').data('user_id') => "number"
<p id='boolean' data-user_is_active='true'></p>
typeof $('#boolean').data('user_is_active') => "boolean"
<p id = 'json' data-user='{"name": "the dude", "id": "12345"}'></p>
typeof $('#json').data('user') => "object"
// embedding JSON is extremely useful in my experience