
How can i stop Solr without stopping the WebSphere Commerce Test Server (IBM RAD)

I need to test some error handling use cases in the event that the Solr server shuts down or is unreachable. On one of our testing servers i can run the stopServer script passing in the indentifier for the Solr server. I have tried using the same .bat version of that script locally, but it seems there is no separate profile for Solr.

Is there a way to stop Solr only (ie. the WC instance is still running as is Apache) in RAD, either through the Admin Console, CLI script, or some other UI interface?


  • In the WebSphere Commerce Developer, I don't believe you can do it since it's not the server deployment where it's in it's own profile. Nevertheless, I haven't tried it but I think what you can do is block the communication ports (on server its 3737).