
How to read response from angular resource $save() and also keeping original data

I am new to Angular. I am sure I am missing some basic stuff here.

I have one object which I post to the server to create it. The Server returns the object Id, which I need to read and update the object I have in the client.

The server will only return the object ID, however, at the client side, I have other data which I am not able to use when I perform a callback (I don't have access to the original data).

The Following jsfiddle code has been added as a reference:

//Get Angular Project module
var app = angular.module("app", ['ngResource']);

//create Project factory
app.factory('Project', function ($resource) {
    return $resource('\\:8081/api/projects/:projectid',
            {update: {method:'PUT', isArray:false}}    


//Controller for testing
app.controller('ApplicationController', function ($scope, Project) {

//Project object
var project = new Project({"name":"New Project Test","thumbnail":"","statusid":"521d5b730f3c31e0c3b1e764","projecttypeid":"521f585c092a5b550202e536","teamid":"521f585a092a5b550202e521","authors":[{"firstname":"Dilip","lastname":"Kumar"}],"projectspecificmetadata":{"isbn13":"345345","guid":"asfas"},"modifiedby":"521f585a092a5b550202e525"}
//Create new project
project.$save(project, function (projectResponse) {
                        project.projectId = projectResponse._id;



  • Following is similar approach for $update.

     //keep original data to pass into callback
     var originalProjectObject = angular.copy(project);
     //Call server to update the project data
     project.$update({ projectid: project._id }, function (projectResponse) 
       originalProjectObject._id = projectResponse._id;
       //update scope
       scope.project = originalProjectObject;                        