
Chat App with php, Jquery

I want to make a chat application with php & jquery. But jquery script visible to client side and another problem is every time need to update chat display panel by calling interval methods. So my question is, is there any other way to develop a chat app like gmail chat app. Becouze gmail chat is show presence. When user went to offline automatically shows offline status. and when user entered text into chat box, instantly shows in chat display. so i wanna make to like that application.

Please guide me....

Thanking you,


  • You can do this with WebSockets. There are some cool WebSockets tools out there like:

    Using WebSockets you can append received messages to the chat log instead of updating the whole thing like it seems you are doing.

    In case you choose to (or have to) keep requesting new messages to the server, since not all hosting providers will allow WebSockets, here are some tips that you may find useful to improve your chat app:

    1. Store the last received message id on client-side, so that when you request new messages to the server you can send it this id and it will only send you messages you didn't receive yet, thus avoiding unnecessary traffic.

    2. On the server side, record the last time a client requested new messages, so that you can define a timeout in order to detect user disconnection.

    3. To avoid overloading your server or client with more requests than it can handle, take into consideration the time took by the server to answer your last request when you define the interval for the next request, like this:

      1. Client requests messages
      2. Server replies in 100ms
      3. Client waits 100ms before requesting again
      4. Server replies in 200ms
      5. Client waits 200ms before requesting again
      6. ...