I am using UICollectionView
first time in my iPad application.
I have set UICollectionView
such that its size and cell size is same, means only once cell is displayed at a time.
Now when user scroll UICollectionView
I need to know which cell is visible I have to update other UI elements on change. I didn't find any delegate method for this. How can I achieve this?
[self.mainImageCollection setTag:MAIN_IMAGE_COLLECTION_VIEW];
[self.mainImageCollection registerClass:[InspirationMainImageCollectionCell class] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"cellIdentifier"];
[self.mainImageFlowLayout setScrollDirection:UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal];
[self.mainImageFlowLayout setMinimumInteritemSpacing:0.0f];
[self.mainImageFlowLayout setMinimumLineSpacing:0.0f];
self.mainImageFlowLayout.minimumLineSpacing = 0;
[self.mainImageCollection setPagingEnabled:YES];
[self.mainImageCollection setShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator:NO];
[self.mainImageCollection setCollectionViewLayout:self.mainImageFlowLayout];
What I have tried:
As UICollectionView
conforms to UIScrollView
, I got when user scroll ends with UIScrollViewDelegate
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
But inside above function how can I get current visible cell index of UICollectionView
The method [collectionView visibleCells] give you all visibleCells array you want. Use it when you want to get
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
for (UICollectionViewCell *cell in [self.mainImageCollection visibleCells]) {
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [self.mainImageCollection indexPathForCell:cell];
Update to Swift 5:
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
for cell in yourCollectionView.visibleCells {
let indexPath = yourCollectionView.indexPath(for: cell)