I've wrote a Chrome Extension. My background.js file is quite large, so I want to split it to smaller parts and load specified methods when required (some kind of lazy-loading).
I've done this with Firefox:
// ( call for load specified lib )
var libPath = redExt.basePath + 'content/redExt/lib/' + redExt.browser + '/' + libName + '.js';
var service = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
service.loadSubScript("chrome://" + libPath);
// ( executing loaded file )
Is there any possiblity to do it similar way in Webkit-based browsers? I've found solutions for how to inject multiple JS files into matching pages (using manifest.json
) but cannot find way to include JS file just for extension.
Found possible solution. Theres a simple implementation of RequireJS main method require which uses JavaScript callback trace to find event for loading main extension file and binds executes it with extension context. https://github.com/salsita/browser-require/blob/master/require.js
It seems to work, but this solution has a few cons:
- debugging is very hardfile:///
), so it sometimes just dont work as expected