
Multiple JS files in Chrome Extension - how to load them?

I've wrote a Chrome Extension. My background.js file is quite large, so I want to split it to smaller parts and load specified methods when required (some kind of lazy-loading).

I've done this with Firefox:

// ( call for load specified lib )
var libPath = redExt.basePath + 'content/redExt/lib/' + redExt.browser + '/' + libName + '.js';
var service = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
service.loadSubScript("chrome://" + libPath);
// ( executing loaded file )

Is there any possiblity to do it similar way in Webkit-based browsers? I've found solutions for how to inject multiple JS files into matching pages (using manifest.json) but cannot find way to include JS file just for extension.


  • Found possible solution. Theres a simple implementation of RequireJS main method require which uses JavaScript callback trace to find event for loading main extension file and binds executes it with extension context.

    It seems to work, but this solution has a few cons: