
MSBuild: Conditional Construct (Project Reference | File Reference)

I´m still trying to eleminate the need of a cobol compiler in a Project with cobol-Projects in it.

Is it possible to create following build behaviour:

If the Configuration is Debug then use ProjectReferences on ExCobol.cblproj if the Configuration is DebugVB then use FileReferences on ExCobol.dll

When Yes, How to achieve it?

I assume the use of tags in the project file will do the trick.

And does this really eliminate the need of a cobol compiler for the DebugVB Configuration?


  • Regarding the conditional 'how', assuming you have either

    <ProjectReference ...>...</ProjectReference>


    <Reference ...>...</Reference>

    you want to hand-edit the .proj file to include both thusly

    <ProjectReference Condition="'$(Configuration)'!='DebugVB'" ...>...</ProjectReference>
    <Reference Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='DebugVB'" ...>...</Reference>