
Calling data from store in a normal Tab Panel

I'm trying to call 2 values from my store, and set it inside the styles in a div which I put it in a html: item. The store loads the data from a web API, which is working fine(I've tested using fiddler and the return response is correct) but I cant get the data in the store to work inside the html item.

Below is my view:

Ext.define('myapp.view.Main', {
   extend: '',


   items: [
         id: 'firstpage',
         title: 'Welcome',
         store: 'styleStore',
         styleHtmlContent: true,
         scrollable: true,

         items: [
               html: ['<div id="testStr1" style="font-style:{FontStyle}; color:{Color};">',
                      'This is a test string.',
                      ' Go to the settings to change the style',

My Store:

Ext.define('', {
   extend: '',


   config: {
      autoLoad: true,
      model: 'myapp.model.Style',
      storeId: 'styleStore',

         type: 'ajax',
         listeners: {
            fn: function(pxy, response, operation, options){console.log("We've got a problem...");}

         url: 'http://localhost/styleapi/api/styles',
         reader: {
            type: 'json',
            rootProperty: 'data',

My model:

Ext.define('myapp.model.Style', {
extend: '',

            name: 'Id',
            type: 'int'
            name: 'FontStyle'
            name: 'Color'


    proxy: {
        type: 'rest',
        url: 'http://localhost/styleapi/api/styles'



  • A few issues here...

    First, your main class, myapp.view.Main, is nesting items inside it, and those items are not configured correctly. Your items: ... should be inside of config, and there should be an xtype for each item, if you want the item to not be the default type of container. In your current code, you have an items: .. config on your first item, where you are putting html. This results in a nested component, which is not what you are intending here.

    In addition, you are using html, when you really want to use a template. When you have a fixed set (or object) of data, you can use a component with tpl and data; when using a store for the data, you would use a dataview with an itemTpl config, which will repeat that template for each item in the store. Currently, your top-level item is defaulting to a container, where you are using a store config, which won't do anything at the moment.

    So, steps to fix:

    1. Move the top-level item into config property
    2. Change the top-level item to be a dataview
    3. Move the html out of the nested item and into an itemTpl property as an XTemplate (i.e. itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<div ...'))