I know it is possible to control session start with express and connect middleware. Like suggested here: Controlling Session Start with express and connect middleware
Is it possible to control session start with LocomotiveJS?
I don't want to start session for every user - I just want to start it when user successfully logs in.
I'm already storing session in MongoDb (myabe in the future I will use Redis) and creating not required session for every user which enter the page seems to be a waste of resources.
I just found the solution: Maybe LcomotiveJS itself does not support it directly, but it can be easily implemented using Express (and Locomotive is on top of it).
Instead of declaring session as:
secret: '123qwemax',
cookie: {maxAge: 60 * 60 * 1000},
store: new MongoStore({
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/tests'
Declare your session as:
this.get(/^\/login\/.*/, express.cookieParser());
this.get(/^\/login\/.*/, express.session({
secret: '123qwemax',
cookie: {maxAge: 60 * 60 * 1000},
store: new MongoStore({
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/tests'
This way session will start any time we will go to /login/.* pages.
I don't know why this.all was not working...