
Tackling the 8-puzzle via BFS

I've heard that the 8-puzzle problem can be tackled via BFS, but I don't understand how. I want to know the intermediate steps that I need to get from a board like this:

3 1 2
6 4 5
0 7 8


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 0 

Are the intermediate steps “levels” on a BFS search?

By the way, this is basic homework, I don't care about optimality.


  • this is pretty much a template for any BFS search

    function next_boards(board)
       yields a set of reachable in one move from the current board
    queue = [start_board]
    while true:
       current = queue.pop()
       if current = goal: break
       queue.push for all next_boards(current)

    note we're not doing anything fancy like checking for cycles or anything. if we were, change queue to a stack, and you get DFS.