I am trying to go to the center of the map directly. So this means no turning to the center of the map height, then the center of the map width, I want to start and face the center and go there. Once I am there, I want to stop. I feel like what I have should do it, but it doesn't work properly.
1) Am I on the right track?
2) Is there an easier way to go to the center directly? Like a way to just spell out coordinates?
So far I have:
public void run() {
// Initialization of the robot should be put here
setColors(Color.black,Color.blue,Color.orange, Color.orange, Color.cyan); // body,gun,radar
double xMiddle = getBattleFieldWidth() / 2;
double yMiddle = getBattleFieldHeight() / 2;
double directionToTurn = 0;
// Robot main loop
while(true) {
if( (int)getX() != xMiddle && (int)getY() != yMiddle ){
if ( (int)getX() > xMiddle && (int)getY() > yMiddle ) { //Quadrant 1
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 225;
System.out.println("Quadrant: ONE ");
} else if ( (int)getX() < xMiddle && (int)getY() > yMiddle ) { //Quadrant 2
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 135;
System.out.println("Quadrant: TWO ");
} else if ( (int)getX() < xMiddle && (int)getY() < yMiddle ) { //Quadrant 3
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 45;
System.out.println("Quadrant: THREE ");
} else if ( (int)getX() > xMiddle && (int)getY() < yMiddle ) { //Quadrant 4
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 315;
System.out.println("Quadrant: FOUR ");
} else if ( (int)getX() > xMiddle && (int)getY() == yMiddle ) { // Right Center
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 270;
System.out.println("Quadrant: Right Center ");
} else if ( (int)getX() < xMiddle && (int)getY() == yMiddle ) { // Left Center
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 90;
System.out.println("Quadrant: Left Center ");
} else if ( (int)getX() == xMiddle && (int)getY() > yMiddle ) { // Top Center
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 180;
System.out.println("Quadrant: Top Center ");
} else if ( (int)getX() == xMiddle && (int)getY() < yMiddle ) { // Bottom Center
directionToTurn = (int)getHeading() - 0;
System.out.println("Quadrant: Bottom Center ");
turnLeft( directionToTurn );
System.out.println("Position: ("+(int)(getX())+", "+(int)getY()+"), Facing: "+(int)getHeading() );
What you want to calculate is a bearing. A bearing is the difference between your heading (the direction you are facing) and the direction to a target. If you turn by the amount of the bearing then you will be facing the target.
It has been a long time since I played with Robocode so I do not recall the exact API. The following is a sketch (therefore, untested). You will have to fix the function names and types before it will compile.
// heading (or course) [0, 2pi): 0 is up, rotation is clock-wise
// bearing (-pi, pi]: positive is clock-wise
// convert angle to (-pi, pi]
double norm(double a) {
// do something smarter with modulus (%) here
while (a <= -Math.PI) a += 2 * Math.PI;
while (Math.PI < a) a -= 2 * Math.PI;
return a;
// get bearing in radians to a target(x,y) from the current position/heading
double getBearing(int x, int y) {
// can rotate the coordinate system to avoid the addition of pi/2 if you like
double b = Math.PI/2 - Math.atan2(y - robot.y(), x - robot.x());
return norm(b - robot.getHeadingRadians());
// then bearing to centre is
double bearingToCentre = getBearing(xMiddle, yMiddle);