If I get all Playlist Items with the Youtube Data API v3, I am getting this format for all videos:
"contentDetails": { "videoId": "KUL_AHeC4zw", "startAt": "PT0S", "endAt": "PT21M12.667S" }
Whats that thingie next to endAt? Why is there a point in the middle? I expect some kind of PT21M54S. I just want the duration as I would get it when I am fetching a single video. Is that a bug or am I just not able to understand that ISO Date Format?
This field "endAt
" is not the same as the "duration" of the video, but where the playlist owner wants it to stop playing. The video duration is located in the video resource (contentDetails.duration
) and not in the playlistItem. And it requieres another lookup request.
You can find the definitions of the fields in the YouTube documentation. See for those resource definitions: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/playlistItems#resource and https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos#resource