
Importing a .props file in .vcxproj generated by qmake

With a command

qmake -tp vc -r

I'm generating Visual Studio .sln file and a bunch of .vcxproj files from corresponding Qt .pro file and a bunch of .pri files.

I would like those generated .vcxproj files to import my own .props file. A path to which I can provide to qmake or embed it in those .pro/.pri files.

Is it possible? If so then how?

Since by my research it seems that this can by only done by adding a custom extension (which I would have to write first...) to mkspecs...


  • Judging by qmake source code, it's not possible. I've looked into qmake\generators\win32\msbuild_objectmodel.cpp in both Qt4.8.5 and latest Qt5 version, and the only Property Sheets that are added by qmake are Microsoft.Cpp.*.props (of various kinds):

    xml << tag("Import")
        << attrTag("Project", "$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props")
        << attrTag("Condition", "exists('$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')")
       << closetag()
       << closetag();

    I have solved this problem by creating a quick Python script, that does the post-processing on the generated *.vcxproj files:

    for l in fileinput.FileInput('Project.vcxproj', inplace=1):
        print l,
        if 'PropertySheets' in l:
            print '    <Import Project="YourPropertySheets.props" />'

    Of course, it would be better to patch the qmake with the new functionality, but since there are only three people including you and me that are bothered with this, I believe the hack to be the optimal solution.