
How do I create will_paginate links to other pages?

I am trying to do pagination for products. I have:

   # Routes
    match 'dashboard' => 'dashboard#index'

   # Dashboard Controller
   def index 
    @products = Product.order("id").page(params[:page]).per_page(4)

   # Dashboard Index View
   h1 products
   = render @products
   = will_paginate(@products)

The pagination links are showing up in the dashboard index view.


     <-- previous 1 2 3 next -->

But the links don't append the proper path. The default view is localhost:3000/dashboard.
The pagination links have:


For testing, if I just enter the proper path with the page params in the url bar


it works fine and paginates, displaying the next set of products. My goal is to have the links have dashboard in the link. I am guessing this will happen with some combination of passing options in the "will_paginate" method in the view.

I want this to happen when the user is at their root page:



  • To override the will_paginate url:

    will_paginate(@products, :params => { :controller => "dashboard", :action => "index" })

    Or if you have named route for dashboard:

    will_paginate(@products, :params => { :controller => dashboard_path })

    will paginate documentation