What is the class used for updating the incident/ticket in remedy product via java api? can you give any example program for that? I have the entryID after raising the ticket, with the help, i need to update the same ticket/incident with different values ?
Using Standard ARS API - Entry class, you can create, modify or retrieve based on Entry ID.
Below is snippet - to Modify an entry in a ARS form.
// Modify the short description field on the specified entry.
void modifyEntry(String entryId) {
try {
Entry entry = server.getEntry(formName, entryId, null);
entry.put(Constants.AR_CORE_SHORT_DESCRIPTION,new Value("Modified by JavaAPITest"));
server.setEntry(formName, entryId, entry, null, 0);
System.out.println("Entry #" + entryId +" modified successfully.");
catch(ARException e) {
ARExceptionHandler(e,"Cannot modify the entry. ");
You can refer BMC Integration Doc 7.6 -Java API section for more detailed understanding which includes sample code illustrating how to use the Java API to create, modify, and query records in AR System.