Is there a way to let a tomcat 7 server (running on an Ubuntu Server) execute a sudo command in a command line? In this specific case I want to make it possible to shut down the system from another server. What code would I have to use? And do I have to run the tomcat server as root or can i get these privileges at runtime and only for this action? Thanks for your help:)
No need to run Tomcat as root, you can just add tomcat user to /etc/sudoers
to allow him run superuser commands, like sudo shutdown now
. This way allows you to specify desired subset of commands that can be executed by user. E.g. to allow him to run only shutdown
tomcat ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
To run shell commands from Java code you can call one of Runtime.exec()
or use ProcessBuilder
P.S. Also try googling about /etc/shutdown.allow
file which allows running shutdown command by any user that is listed in it. But I've never used it.