
GMaps V3 InfoWindow - disable the close "x" button

From what I see, in v2 of GMaps API there was a property "buttons" of the InfoWindow object that one could define in a way that given InfoWindow has no close button:

marker.openInfoWindowHtml("No Close Button",{buttons:{close:{show:4}}});

The above however does not apply for v3. Does anybody know a way to do it? I read about an utility that replaces InfoWindow called InfoBox but it has not been developed for the past 2 years. I'm currently using the latest 3.13 version of Gmaps v3 API.

A workaround with jQuery is acceptable, if there is no better solution.


  • Update

    Displaying a <div> on top of a google map is straight forward :

    example css:

    div.info {
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 999;
        width: 200px;
        height: 100px;
        display: none;
        background-color: #fff;
        border: 3px solid #ebebeb;
        padding: 10px;

    A info class <div> somewhere in the markup :

    <div id="myinfo" class="info"><p>I am a div on top of a google map .. </p></div>

    Always nice to have a short reference to the div :

    var info = document.getElementById('myinfo');

    The more tricky part, showing the <div>, how and when - here I just assign a click handler to the map (after it is created) and show the info <div> at mouse location XY inside the map :

    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(args) {
      var x=args.pixel.x; //we clicked here
      var y=args.pixel.y;

    What you gain with this is, that the info <div> follows you around on the map, every time you click.

    enter image description here

    Original answer

    You cant! There is no way to do this in the current v3.13 InfoWindow options.

    A workaround is to disable the image containing the X :

    img[src="http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/api-3/images/mapcnt3.png"] {
        display: none;

    enter image description here

    But this is in no way advisable!

    src="http://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/api-3/images/mapcnt3.png is just what the infowindow is referring to today. Tomorrow, or in a month, or in a year, this image-reference for sure has changed. As you can see if you search for similar "solutions", made over time - like this. They are all broken today, eg the effort is meaningless.

    I think there is extremely good logic in google "refusing" to follow the request for hiding the close-button. If you not need a close-button, what do you need an InfoWindow for anyway? When you are better off just to show a <div> on the map.