
Cannot find module 'esprima'

I'm trying to develop an Abstract Syntax Tree program in JavaScript. I'm using Jet brains IDE for development. When I run the program, i get the error Cannot find module esprima. The nodejs settings are perfect and, I don't think there is any problem with it. Please find the code snippet below. In one article, I saw that esprima module is present in the nodejs. Please help. Thank You.

var esp = require('esprima');


  • Check your project's node_modules directory for esprima. If it is not there try to install it using the following command in terminal,

    From your command prompt terminal, change your directory to your project's root directory.

    Use WinKey + R to run command prompt. Then run cmd, and in cmd execute change directory command.For example, if your project is in C drive then,


    This will change to C: drive, then locate your project directory.

    cd project_directory

    Change project_directory with yours. Then install module using,

    npm install esprima

    Otherwise try to update it using,

    npm update esprima