I have created a customized google map, with a marker and customized info window. want the info window below the marker instead of top. I achieved this by positioning lattitude and longitude of info window. But I came across pixeloffset attribute in google api, but its not working. I used
var infoBubble = new InfoBubble({
map: map,
content: '<div>Some label</div>',
position: new google.maps.LatLng(26.890076,75.755000),
shadowStyle: 1,
padding: 0,
backgroundColor: 'rgb(57,57,57)',
borderRadius: 4,
arrowSize: 0,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#2c2c2c',
disableAutoPan: true,
hideCloseButton: true,
pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(-100,0)
is not a implementation of a google.maps.InfoWindow
, there is no property pixelOffset
for a InfoBubble
But it only takes some minor changes in infobubble.js to apply this feature.
Open infobubble.js(uncompiled version) and find this code(inside the draw-function):
// Adjust for the height of the info bubble
var top = pos.y - (height + arrowSize);
if (anchorHeight) {
// If there is an anchor then include the height
top -= anchorHeight;
var left = pos.x - (width * arrowPosition);
apply these changes:
if(!this.pixelOffset || !this.pixelOffset.constructor || this.pixelOffset.constructor !== google.maps.Size){ this.pixelOffset = new google.maps.Size(0,0); } // Adjust for the height of the info bubble var top = pos.y - (height + arrowSize) + this.pixelOffset.height; if (anchorHeight) { // If there is an anchor then include the height top -= anchorHeight; } var left = pos.x - (width * arrowPosition) + this.pixelOffset.width;