
PDF to SWF convert by cmd in php

hi i use this code to convert pdf to the swf i have pdf2swf.exe file in my site in the local server and i want to move pdf called 1.pdf to that pdf2swf.exe to be convert using command line buts it is not work i don't know why that its the code enter code here


$software_path ="C:\\wamp\www\wellelafa\SWFTools\pdf2swf" ;
$pdf_path ="C:\\wamp\www\wellelafa\SWFTools\1.pdf" ;
$argument = "-o";

$swf_output ="C:\\wamp\www\wellelafa\1.swf" ;

$cmd ="$software_path $pdf_path $argument $swf_output";

$WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");

$oExec = $WshShell->Run("cmd /C $cmd ", 0, true); 



  • Try this

    $software_path ="C:\\wamp\www\wellelafa\SWFTools\pdf2swf.exe" ;
    $pdf_path ="C:\\wamp\www\wellelafa\SWFTools\1.pdf" ;
    $swf_output ="C:\\wamp\www\wellelafa\1.swf" ;
    $cmd =$software_path . " -b " .  $pdf_path . " -o "  .  $swf_output";