How could i save image, which is loaded via watir-webdriver? All manuals and examples show only fetching src of image, and using open-uri saving it. But i need to save that image, which was generated when my page was loaded. How can i do this?
Could i use watir, and watir-webdriver at the same time? For example:
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'watir'
@driver = :firefox
@driver.goto (@base_url)
@img = @driver.image(id: 'CaptchaImage').save("2131.png")
How can i do something like this? Or else how to get it from cache?
Could anybody help me with it?
OpenURI will help you ..
require "watir-webdriver"
require "open-uri"
b = :chrome
b.goto """target_file.jpg", 'wb') do |f|
f.write open(b.img(:class, "sponsor-tag-img").src).read
Hope you are not doing anything bad.. :)
Please let me know if it helped.