I have the following Problem: I would like to Sync Data from a SQL Database into my Flex Datagrid. ATM im using Flex to call a Java Method. As long my Java Method is working i have to wait. So far so good.
Now, I want to rebuild that to the following Logic: The Flex Application starts and does nothing. In the Background I want to start a Java Class who starts a Sync Method who is getting the Database Data every 5 seconds into a Arraylist. After getting the Data from the Java Class I want to cast from Java a Code like this:
to set the DB Content into my Flex Frontend.
you can call the java method from flex and coutinue to work. you will get back the control in flex to corresponding result handler , once the java method completes successfully. (or) you will get FaultEvent if there is any exception in the java method
check http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=data_access_6.html for more details