
Django, appengine and Django-nonrel

I want to create a web app using Django 1.5 or 1.6 using appEngine. I have read about as I have to do it and I have read about Django-nonrel which is very usefull to avoid the issues related with non-relational Database. Unfortunately I have read about the origininal creators project and they have left the project:


However I have seen new avaiables versions of Django AppEngine wich allow to use the 1.4 and 1.5 versions of Django!topic/django-non-relational/I06693ZPeME

After I have read every text I am a mess, do anyone redomended me use last version of django non-rel? can I use other framework? don't I use the last verion of Django?

Thank you.


  • I have developed a fairly complex web app using "normal" Django, not the non-rel flavour. For database storage I use Google Cloud SQL which is basically MySQL in the cloud. It works pretty good. There are some points to consider:

    As for the first bullet, there's now also a comparable product available from Amazon. I have not yet looked into it (I believe they do offer a free plan which might be interesting to try out), nor compared prices but that might be an alternative should Google Cloud SQL be too expensive. My yearly cost for Google Cloud SQL are between £150 and £200 which is not too bad.

    My reason for choosing normal Django over non-rel was basically twofold:

    I have been working on this project for 7 months now and I find Django on GAE with Google Cloud SQL very stable and productive environments. FWIW, I use PyCharm which has a one click deployment feature which makes deploying my product an absolute breeze. I've been working on IT projects with various technologies for quite some time and the combination of PyCharm, Python, Django, GAE and Google Cloud SQL would be at the top of my list of productive environments.

    Of course there are other Python frameworks to consider, like Flask which allow more of a best-of-breed approach but I have no experience with them.

    Hope this helps.