
How do I implement view recycling mechanism for PagerAdapter?

I have a pager adapter that suppose to inflate a complex view representing a calendar.

It takes around ~350 ms to inflate each year of the calendar.

To improve performance I would like to implement the same mechanism that exists in the ListView array adapter of recycling views (convertView parameter in getView()).

Here is my current getView() from the adapter.

protected View getView(VerticalViewPager pager, final DateTileGrid currentDataItem, int position)
    mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(pager.getContext());

        // This is were i would like to understand weather is should use a recycled view or create a new one.
    View datesGridView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_dates_grid_page, pager, false);

    DateTileGridView datesGrid = (DateTileGridView) datesGridView.findViewById(;
    TextView yearTitle = (TextView) datesGridView.findViewById(;
    yearTitle.setText(currentDataItem.getCurrentYear() + "");
    DateTileView[] tiles = datesGrid.getTiles();

    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        String pictureCount = currentDataItem.getTile(i).getPictureCount().toString();
        final int finalI = i;
        tiles[i].setOnCheckedChangeListener(new DateTileView.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
            public void onCheckedChanged(DateTileView tileChecked, boolean isChecked)
                DateTile tile = currentDataItem.getTile(finalI);

    return datesGridView;

Any pointers or direction for implementing such a behavior? In particular how can I know in the adapter that one of the DateTileGridViews is being swiped of the screen so I could save it in memory to reuse it next time.


  • So I have figured it out.

    1. overwrite destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object view) ans save you cached view
    2. create a separate method to see if there is any chance to use a recycled view or should you inflate a new one.
    3. remember to remove the recycled view from cache once its been used to avoid having same view attaching same view to the pager.

    here is the code.. I used a Stack of view to cache all removed views from my pager

    private View inflateOrRecycleView(Context context)
        View viewToReturn;
        mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
        if (mRecycledViewsList.isEmpty())
            viewToReturn = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_dates_grid_page, null, false);
            viewToReturn = mRecycledViewsList.pop();
            Log.i(TAG,"Restored recycled view from cache "+ viewToReturn.hashCode());
        return viewToReturn;
    public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object view)
        VerticalViewPager pager = (VerticalViewPager) container;
        View recycledView = (View) view;
        Log.i(TAG,"Stored view in cache "+ recycledView.hashCode());

    do not forget to instantiate the stack in the adapter constructor.