What is wrong with the following request?
request = Typhoeus::Request.new("http://fluidsurveys.com/api/v2/groups",
method: :get,
userpwd: "test_user:test_password",
headers: { 'ContentType' => "application/json"})
response = request.body
puts response
This returns undefined method body for #<Typhoeus::Request:0x007f8e50d3b1d0> (NoMethodError)
The following request works fine with httparty
call= "/api/v2/groups/"
auth = {:username => "test_user", :password => "test_password"}
url = HTTParty.get("http://fluidsurveys.com/api/v2/groups",
:basic_auth => auth,
:headers => { 'ContentType' => 'application/json' } )
response = url.body
puts response
I tried this:
response = request.response
puts response.body
with no luck. I receive this : undefined method body for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
From https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus
You need to do the get before the response body is available.
EDIT: Here is an operable solution. It doesn't use your website, which I couldn't access even manually. But, this returns response code 200 and the response_body. Running this in my debugger showed the complete response, which you could see using "puts response.inspect".
class TyphoeusTry
require 'typhoeus'
request = Typhoeus::Request.new("http://www.google.com",
method: :get,
userpwd: "test_user:test_password",
headers: { ContentType: "application/json"})
response = request.run
puts response.response_body