I've set up fetchmail with the following configuration
poll my.exchange.server protocol IMAP
user "my_name"
password "my_pass"
smtpname "my_gmail_account@gmail.com"
no rewrite
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -f %F -d %T"'
Everything seems to be working fine. No errors from fetchmail, and the procmail log contains the e-mails that I want to be forwarded to GMail (an example is pasted below). However, none of the mail ever shows up in my GMail inbox. I've checked the 'All Mail' section to ensure it wasn't being treated as spam. Any ideas what could be going wrong? I'm doing all this on OS X version 10.8.5
Example procmail log for an e-mail that I want to show up in my gmail inbox
From my_exchange_email@my.exchange.server Mon Sep 30 11:03:55 2013
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from my.exchange.server [123.45.678.910]
by my_host_name with IMAP (fetchmail-6.3.26)
for <my_gmail_account@gmail.com> (single-drop); Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:03:55 -0400 (EDT)
I figured out what I was missing. My procmail was configured incorrectly for forwarding. I fixed this by making the following procmailrc file
! my_gmail_account@gmail.com
That was it!