So far all my research has shown that this cannot be achieved without writing lengthy functions such as the solution here
Surely there is a simpler way of achieving this using the predefined PHP functions?
Just to be clear, I am trying to do the following:
$test = array(
'bla' => 123,
'bla2' => 1234,
'bla3' => 12345
// Call some cool function here and return the array where the
// the element with key 'bla2' has been shifted to the beginning like so
// Prints bla2=1234, bla=>123 etc...
I have looked at using the following functions but have so far have not been able to write a solution myself.
I would like to:
This seems, funny, to me. But here ya go:
$test = array(
'bla' => 123,
'bla2' => 1234,
'bla3' => 12345
//store value of key we want to move
$tmp = $test['bla2'];
//now remove this from the original array
//then create a new array with the requested index at the beginning
$new = array_merge(array('bla2' => $tmp), $test);
Output looks like:
[bla2] => 1234
[bla] => 123
[bla3] => 12345
You could turn this into a simple function that takes-in a key and an array, then outputs the newly sorted array.
I'm not sure why I didn't default to using uksort
, but you can do this a bit cleaner:
$test = array(
'bla' => 123,
'bla2' => 1234,
'bla3' => 12345
//create a function to handle sorting by keys
function sortStuff($a, $b) {
if ($a === 'bla2') {
return -1;
return 1;
//sort by keys using user-defined function
uksort($test, 'sortStuff');
This returns the same output as the code above.