
How do I display the language name instead of language code in Django?

Is there a built in templatetag to display a language name instead of language code?

Eg. I'm currently getting 'en' but I want 'English'


  • The i18n package provides the get_language_info tag

    {% load i18n %}
    {% get_language_info for "en" as lang %}
    {{lang.name_local}} ({{lang.code}})

    will return:

    English (en)

    Substitute "en" in the above example for your template attribute

    Eg. profile.language for my custom profile model was the attribute that was returning "en" by default - now I have a much prettier display for the language attribute

    The above answers op question and comments from @art_hq supply an additional more generic solution using profile.language as follows:

    {% get_language_info for profile.language as lang %} {{ }}