I am trying to connect to FTP server through the c# code and I am getting the list of Files and directories. And that I am saving in a ArrayList(with all attributes). I can find the FTP Server type through the SYS ftp command. I have a regular expression for UNIX based files to parse the file\directories attributes. But I have no expression for Windows FTP server files parsing. I need help in making that..
04-30-09 10:40AM <DIR> Acrobat
12-08-09 10:36PM 9058 AuthCheck.zip
12-06-09 12:49PM 174 desktop.ini
11-09-09 03:33PM <DIR> FailedPDF
I need to parse these. Date, Time, Dir\File, Name of the file
Please help. Thanks.
I don't know much about C#, but if you just need a RegEx try this one:
$1 = date, $2=time, $3=am or pm, $4=type (could be null), $5=size(null if dir), $6=name
or iff $4 is only or empty
I suppose that "<" and ">" are no special chars at c#