
Xcode 5 Framework/Library Search Path Absolute Address

I updated my Xcode to 5.0. I added some library/framework search paths and the path it's displaying is the absolute path. For example, if my folder is in my desktop it would display /Users/username/Desktop/"foldername"/"subfolder"/"subfolder"/"framework". Because of this, whenever I check out a working copy in another mac, I have to remove references to certain libraries/frameworks and add them back in. Isn't there a way to fix it where I don't have to remove-add reference again?


  • Here's what i did:
    This is what we're using before in previous Xcode versions. The reason why it wasn't working with Xcode5 is because; for some reason, whenever you add another framework to your project, it automatically adds a "\" so you need to remove those to make it work. I don't know why it does that.