I would like to test my php application in phpunit. My problem is the require_once doesn't find the file what I would like to test. I get this error:
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
C:\MyProject\phpunit-tesztek\include\FormTest.php on line 4
So it search the form.php file in include/../include/form.php what is wrong.
I used this code:
require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';
the Test file is in C:\MyProject\phpunit-tesztek\include\FormTest.php
and the file what I want to test is in: C:\MyProject\include\form.php
What is the problem?
The problem is the relative path. The __DIR__
uses the directory the file is in without a trailing separator. You are then changing the path with a relative path (/../
) to go up one directory.
See the manual entry -> PHP Manual for __DIR__
__DIR__ will return C:\MyProject\phpunit-tesztek\include
You are looking to use the C:\MyProject\include\
__DIR__ . '/../../include/Form.php';
I normally use the dirname(__FILE__)
myself, as it gets the current directory of the source code file (which is absolute) allowing my relative path to move from that location.