
Display doc file in iframe struts2

I want to show .doc and .docx files on my website in an iframe.

<iframe style="border-style: none;" src="<s:url action="loadFile"><s:param name="id" value="id"/></s:url>" height="500" width="100%">

The loadFile action sends a result of type stream

<action name="loadFile" class="com.view.file" method="loadFile">
                <result name="success" type="stream">
                    <param name="contentType">${fileType}</param>
                    <param name="inputName">inputStream</param>
                    <param name="contentDisposition">inline;filename="${fileName}"</param>
                    <param name="bufferSize">1024</param>

The iframe works when I set the action url directly in the src attribute. However, with src=" the action is never called. Is there any other alternative to show a MS Word file? I'm able to show a pdf by directly putting the action url in src attribute.



The problem may be because the src of iframe converts to:


The required url should be the absolute url to the action like:


How can I achieve that? It might not work on localhost but should work on a hosting


  • Use the attribute forceAddSchemeHostAndPort of s:url tag to get the complete url

    More Info

    For Example

    <s:url action='myaction' forceAddSchemeHostAndPort='true'>
    <s:param name='id' value='25'/>