
Asset Catalog Compiler Options missing

I just switched a project over to using Asset Catalogs for icons and launch images. It appears that something has gotten borked, though, because the assets are not getting built into the app. I can't be sure, but I suspect the problem is related to the fact that the Asset Catalog Compiler – Options panel is missing from my project/target Build Settings. In new apps, or other apps that I have switched over, once the target is using an Asset Catalog that panel will appear. For this project, when I enable an catalog (under the General tab), I get ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME and ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_LAUNCHIMAGE_NAME, but they are listed under User-Defined settings, and the other settings that should appear in the Asset Catalog Compiler are missing.

Anyone have any ideas how to coerce Xcode to find these settings?


  • Evidently the Build Settings won't parse asset-related settings correctly unless there is an asset in the Copy Bundle Resources of the target. Simple solution, but something I overlooked, since migrating to an asset catalog for icons and launch images apparently doesn't always add itself to the target automatically.