
Mashery vs WSO2 vs 3scale

I would like to know the differences between Mashery, WSO2 and 3scale. Someone who has used API Managers before can give his opinion? What are advantages and disadvantages of each one




  • Not sure, but this question might end up flagged as off topic - vendor comparison, but anyway I'll jump in. I work at 3scale (full disclosure) but hopefully this is useful anyway - the three are pretty different. Trying to be as neutral as possible!:

    As 3scale what we see as the main advantage is you have a tons of control as to how you set up all the traffic flow and never have to route through a third party plus you have the benefit if having all the heavy lifting hosted and synchronized across multiple data centers. We're also committed to having a strong free for ever tier of service since we want to see a lot of APIs out there!

    Good luck with your choice! steve.