
Parse a JSON-ish string with no quotes into a multidimensional associative array

I am stucked with converting the string of specific format to array. Spliting the string using explode doesn't seems to be the right approach and i am not so good with regular expressions. So my question is how can i convert the following string to array?

Current format of the string

maxWidth: 800,
openEffect: elastic,    
closeEffect: elastic,
helpers : {
       title : {
             type: outside
       thumbs : {
              width  : 50,
              height : 50

Desired Array

  'maxWidth' => 800,
  'openEffect' => 'elastic',
  'closeEffect' => 'elastic',
  'helpers' => array(
               'title' => array('type' => 'outside'),
               'thumbs' => array('width' => 50, 'height' => 50)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The string looks like a JSON but it is not a JSON. Its just a string input from user in that format. The input will be from normal user so i want to keep it simple. There is minimum chance that the normal user will enter a valid JSON.


  • The string in your example is almost a valid JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) structure!

    Here's what your string would look like as valid JSON

        "maxWidth": 800,
        "openEffect": "elastic",
        "closeEffect": "elastic",
        "helpers": {
            "title": {
                "type": "outside"
            "thumbs": {
                "width": 50,
                "height": 50

    So our approach (as suggested by @WiseGuy) would be to first inject a few characters with preg_replace to Turn your string init into valid JSON:

    $str = preg_replace('/\b/' , '"' , $str);
    $str = '{'  . $str . '}';

    The regex above is using the Word Boundaries anchor to add quotation marks around all words. Then we wrap the whole thing in curly braces and voilà, we've got a x-language compatible object format.

    We can now use a standard function to produce our object:

    $objUserConfig = json_decode($str, true);

    A good beginners tutorial on JSON here:

    Use a linter tool such as to validate JSON. I used it to debug your example and convert it into proper JSON for my example.