
Dynamic Order in JDBI SQL Object Queries

How do you do ordering with SQL Object Queries in JDBI?

I want to do something like:

    "SELECT * FROM users " +
    "WHERE something = :something " +
    "ORDER BY :orderBy :orderDir"
List<User> getUsers(
    @Bind("something") Integer something
  , @BindOrderBy("orderBy") String orderBy
  , @BindOrderDir("orderDir") String orderDir


    "SELECT * FROM users " +
    "WHERE something = :something " +
    "ORDER BY :orderBy :orderDir"
List<User> getUsers(
    @Bind("something") Integer something
  , @Bind("orderBy") OrderBy orderBy
  , @Bind("orderDir") OrderDir orderDir


  • I've recently been exploring DropWizard which comes bundled with JDBI and quickly came across the same problem. Unfortunately JDBI has lackluster documentation (JavaDoc and some sample unit tests on it's git repository don't cut it alone) which is disappointing.

    Here's what I found that achieves a dynamic order in a Sql Object API for JDBI based on my sample DAO:

    public interface ProductsDao {
        @RegisterMapperFactory(BeanMapperFactory.class) // will map the result of the query to a list of Product POJOs(Beans)
        @SqlQuery("select * from products order by <orderby> <order> limit :limit offset :offset")
        List<Product> getProducts(@Define("orderby") String orderBy, @Define("order") String order,
                                         @Bind("limit") int limit, @Bind("offset") int offset);
        @SqlQuery("select count(*) from products")
        int getProductsCount();

    @UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator - this annotation is what allows us to use the <arg> syntax in the queries. These args are going to be replaced with whatever value we provide via the @Define annotation.

    To be able to use this feature I had to additionally add this dependency to my pom.xml file:

      <version>2.3b6</version> <!-- I am not sure if this specific version is meant to be used though -->

    SQL INJECTION WARNING It should be noted that this opens us up to Sql Injection since the values are directly inserted to the query. (In contstrast to :arg syntax in the query and @Bind annotation which uses prepared statements and protects against sql injection). At the very least you should sanitize the parameters that are going to be used for the @Define fields. (Simple example for DropWizard below).

    public class ProductsResource {
      private static ImmutableSet<String> orderByChoices = ImmutableSet.of("id", "name", "price", "manufactureDate");
      private final ProductsDao dao;
      public ProductsResource(ProductsDao dao) {
        this.dao = dao;
      // Use @InjectParam to bind many query parameters to a POJO(Bean) instead. 
      // i.e. public List<Product> index(@InjectParam ProductsRequest request)
      // Also use custom Java types for consuming request parameters. This allows to move such validation/sanitization logic outside the 'index' method.
      public List<Product> index(@DefaultValue("id")  @QueryParam("orderby") String orderBy,
                                 @DefaultValue("asc") @QueryParam("order")   String order,
                                 @DefaultValue("20")  @QueryParam("perpage") IntParam perpage,
                                 @DefaultValue("0")   @QueryParam("page")    IntParam page)
       int limit, offset;
       order = order.toLowerCase(); 
       orderBy = orderBy.toLowerCase();    
       if (!orderByChoices.contains(orderBy)) orderBy = "id"; //sanitize <orderby>
       if (order != "asc" && order != "desc") order = "asc";  //sanitize <order>
       limit = perpage.get();
       offset = page.get() < 0 ? 0 : page.get() * limit;
       return dao.getProducts(orderBy, order, limit, offset);