Existing Structure : src/test/java --> All java unit tests. This gets picked up easily by Maven surefire plugin. Now, in addition to these java unit test cases, I want to include some groovy test cases, and I want to put them under src/test/groovy. How do I make the surefire plugin pick up these test cases? I am using Intellij 12.0 ulitmate edition.
<!-- ignore inner classes -->
Update : I also tried build-helper-maven-plugin
<!-- States that the plugin's add-test-source goal is executed at generate-test-sources phase. -->
<!-- Configures the source directory of integration tests. -->
Now, if i run the "test" goal, i see C:\Developer\Code\myProj\trunk\ss\src\test\groovy added.
But I dont see any class generated for the groovy file.
Final Answer, thanks to @khmarbaise , I just upgraded the versions, and removed the GMaven compilation
The following pom is working:
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>Test Groovy Scripting</name>
You can see a full working example here. This means having groovy tests under src/test/groovy
java unit tests under src/test/java