I'm not finding any support for dropshadow or outline of a font in Sprite Kit. For the dropshadow, I'm guessing I could create a second SKLabelNode and offset it behind the other.
Is there some way that I could utilize a SKEffectNode for the outline or dropshadow ? Possibly make the SKLabelNode a child of the SKEffectNode ?
update :
I was able to get a decent dropshadow using a second SKLabelNode behind the first, that is black and offset. Still interested in other potential options, but that seems to work well.
This is most likely what you are doing, but it works and is simple.
- (SKLabelNode *) makeDropShadowString:(NSString *) myString
int offSetX = 3;
int offSetY = 3;
SKLabelNode *completedString = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Arial"];
completedString.fontSize = 30.0f;
completedString.fontColor = [SKColor yellowColor];
completedString.text = myString;
SKLabelNode *dropShadow = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Arial"];
dropShadow.fontSize = 30.0f;
dropShadow.fontColor = [SKColor blackColor];
dropShadow.text = myString;
dropShadow.zPosition = completedString.zPosition - 1;
dropShadow.position = CGPointMake(dropShadow.position.x - offSetX, dropShadow.position.y - offSetY);
[completedString addChild:dropShadow];
return completedString;
Will try and make outline one as well... but I have a feeling it'll be more tricky... there must be a way to use bitmap fonts .. ??? bmGlyph ...