
Xcode 5 -- Test target did not finish

Since earlier today, I cannot get my tests to pass when running them from Xcode 5. I know all the tests are passing, because I can run them from command line (well, a CI Job) and they're all passing there.

Have I accidentally changed some project setting or something to cause this? I can't figure out any way to get back to a good state -- I've tried dropping back several versions in our Git history, so I know it's not a code change...

Edit: After uninstalling and re-installing the application, all of the tests are running to completion, but my question still remains -- How did it get to this state?


  • Without receiving a better answer after a couple weeks, I'm going to answer my own question with the solution that seems to have worked for me.

    A simple uninstall/reinstall from the simulator seems to fix the problem, though I've yet to determine what causes it, or why this fixes it.